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May Sermon Series

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” — John 16:33
The waves of life are treacherous, threatening to capsize the ship, putting all onboard in danger, but... The anchor holds! The anchor provides a solid foundation in the sea. The anchor offers comfort in the tide. As we face storms this season of life, illness, financial burdens, strained relationships, mental fatigue, and emotional exhaustion weigh heavily on us, even as we gather in faith. Doubt, fear, and discouragement may whisper, chipping away at blessings, peace, and rest. Yet, amidst these waves, remember this: Jesus is our anchor! He is our hope in times of trouble. He is our strength in times of weakness. He is our refuge in the storm. He is the anchor that holds.

The Holy Spirit reminds us that God's promises remain. We are not left to navigate these storms alone. In "Anchor: Finding Assurance in God's Promises," we'll explore four powerful stories from the Gospels. Each tells of individuals who, exhausted after exhausting every option, found their true source of strength in Jesus. A desperate father seeking healing for his son. A woman who searched in vain for twelve years. A blind beggar yearning for sight. Friends who carried their paralyzed friend to Jesus, overcoming every obstacle.

These Gospel accounts are not just history—they are lighthouses guiding us through our own storms. By revisiting them, we'll find renewed strength to stay anchored to Jesus and rediscover the unwavering assurance of God's promises in any season.

Anchored BY Hope

May 05, 2024
In the Gospel of Mark, after the event of the transfiguration, it is recored that Jesus encounters a large crowd gathered around a dispute between His disciples and the Pharisees. In the middle of this dispute is a father, desperate to find healing for his demon possessed child. It is here that we hear the words uttered by a desperate father: "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

What Are You Holding On To?

May  12, 2024
On His way to heal Jarius' daughter, Jesus has a multitude of people pressing in all around Him, almost crushing Him. Among those in the crowd, was a woman, desperate to reach Jesus. She had been dealing with a hemorrhage for 12 years, sought help from many, and spent a lot of money trying to find her healing. But on this day, her faith was activated, and she believed that if she could just touch the hem of His robe, she would finally find the healing she desired.

When The Storm Comes

May 19, 2024
As Jesus approaches Jericho, along the roadside, there is a man blind since birth. He is there begging for whatever scraps he can get from those who pitied him. This day, however, is about to be different because he hears the the commotion of a crowd and asks what is going on. Upon hearing that it is Jesus of Nazareth that is walking by, the man stops begging and calls out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” When the crowds near him try to silence him, he cried out even louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” He no longer wanted anyone's pity, he desired the mercy of God.


May 26, 2024
One day Jesus was teaching, many from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem came to hear Him, including the Pharisees and teachers of the law. People brought their sick before Jesus in hopes that He would heal them. Among the people the people were a group of friends of man who was paralyzed. When they couldn't find a way through the crowd to get to Jesus, they created their own. They climbed to he roof, broke through and created an opening large enough to lower their friend. Jesus notices their faith and pardons the paralyzed man's sins. He also noticed the lack of faith in the Pharisees and to everyone's shock, heals the paralyzed man. 

Mom In Any Language

Around the world there are hundreds of ways to say “Mom”. Countless spellings and pronunciations. But there is one way that is universal, one word that says “Mom” more than any other. That word is “LOVE”! How do you say Mom?

Proverbs 6:20-24, Proverbs 31:1-30, Psalms 139:13

Fill Up The Tank With Holy Grounds!

Praise God! The HeBrews Grace Prayer Tent is overflowing with blessings!   People from all walks of life, even those new to Calvary, are finding comfort, sharing burdens, and experiencing answered prayers.  Yes, you read that right - answered prayers!

Feeling weighed down?  Stop by the Prayer Tent before or after church.  Unload your burdens and receive His blessings alongside a warm cup of coffee or tea, uplifting fellowship, and powerful prayer.

This isn't just for church members – it's for anyone seeking hope and a listening ear.  Don't carry your burdens alone. Find rest and renewal at the HeBrews Grace Prayer Tent!  ️

JOURNEY | Jr. & Sr. High

Wonderfully Made: Helping Teen Girls and Young Women Know Their Value, Identity and Purpose

We have started a six-week teaching series, created in partnership with Wonderfully Made® and taught by Allie Marie Smith, which helps teen girls and young women walk in their value and identity in Christ, live the abundant lives they’ve been created for, and rise above the toxic lies of our culture.

Topics addressed include identity in Christ, purpose, self-worth, social media, mental health, body image, eating disorders, and sexuality. This teaching series equips teen girls and young women with Biblical truths to overcome the lies they believe and empowers them to navigate life with confidence and experience vibrant mental health.

Join us on our new Journey each Sunday at 10AM. We meet in the main auditorium for worship, then head up to our room to learn, discuss, and grow in faith.

Talking Everything Bible | Tuesday Nights | 6:30PM

Talking Everything Bible is a group discussion on Google Meet - it is open to everyone, you don’t need a code to join.  Just press the link, enter your name and join.  Computers or tablets are preferred.  

Starting in May, we will be looking at the writers of the New Testament.  Their relationship to Jesus and each other. To join us simply click the Google Meet Link below, every Tuesday at 6:30PM.

You can catch up on previous sessions under “Media” in our App, series “Talking Everything Bible”.


Join us on Wednesdays for an inspiring journey through "The Chosen"! Our adventure begins in the Fellowship Hall with delicious food and refreshments to fuel your faith. After each episode, we'll delve deeper into the story with insightful discussion and fellowship, all while sharing a warm meal together. It's a chance to connect with your community and grow in your faith. Don't miss out!

If you miss an episode, no worries, the Calvary Alameda App has you covered. The Chosen can be found under the Devotionals button on the app's home screen, along with the discussion guides.

We look forward to have you join us on this journey.

Women At The Well | THURSDAYS | 10AM

Women At The Well is ready to start this new season by studying the book of Hebrews. The book of Hebrews reminds the readers that Christ is superior to angels and prophets, that Christ's sacrifice is superior to Temple's sacrifices, and that Christ is superior as the Son of God.

We invite you join us and as we discover how Jesus holds all things together. How He sustains all things by His powerful word. How He knows every detail of our lives, even the burdens we carry. Jesus reigns on the throne forever—a strong, mighty, superior God, and yet He desires for us to talk to Him, to sit with Him, to pour out our hearts to Him.

We look forward to connecting with you and growing together in the faith!

We meet via conference call. For more information and to connect with us, click the link below.

Havilah Hive | LIFE Group For Moms

We invite you to join Havilah Hive, a LIFE Group crafted exclusively for moms who seek more than just survival in the throws of motherhood. Bee connected with a community that understands the highs and lows, the joys and struggles of being a mom. Havilah Hive is more than just a support group; it's a safe space where we can thrive together. In this haven, we explore the richness of God's word, discovering strength, wisdom, and inspiration for our daily lives.

Join us on the second Friday of each month at Calvary Alameda in the fellowship hall at 6:30 p.m. Or, for those cozy nights in, after you've put the kiddos to bed, connect with us online using a special code. No matter where you are on this motherhood journey, you're always welcome at Havilah Hive.
We are going to study a book called "Worthy: Embracing Your Identity In Christ." We will explore the titles we have through our relationship with Jesus: child, heir, slave, and saint. We will learn to embrace that Jesus Christ alone is worthy to bear these titles. In our fallen condition, our only identity is rebellious sin. But, by His grace, Jesus unites us to Himself, covers us in His image, and bestows worth to our fallenness.

For questions or more information, please click the button below.