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The heavens declare the

glory of God

and the sky above proclaims

his handiwork.

Psalm 19:1

Welcome to  Calvary Alameda.
We are a body of believers made up of ordinary people from different backgrounds and stories joined together because of the gospel of Christ.
We invite you to join us for our Sunday Worship Experience in person at 10 AM 
or on our virtual campus starting at 9:55 AM through:
the website  and our Calvary Mobile & TV Apps.

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weekly events

1516 Grand St. | Alameda, CA 94501

Sunday WORSHIP experience

10:00 am


Sunday,  10:00 am


Wednesday, 6:00 pm

*women at the well

Thursday, 10:00 am
We are open for in-person gathering. Mask are optional.
*Women At The Well is currently meeting via conference call. For more info CLICK HERE
How to Worship the King
Have you ever wondered why you were created?

You are of great importance. This is why God doesn’t want us to be satisfied with the status quo. He has created us to conquer challenges, to achieve greatness, to experience the thrill of triumph, to make a real difference in the world, and most importantly, he created us for Himself. He sent us the King to set us free, but unfortunately, we have been spoon-fed watered-down truth for so long that we've forgotten what it means to truly live in His freedom and worse, we have forgotten How To Worship The King.

It's time to break free from the mental chains that have held us back. Let's embark on a journey of discovery to find the truth, the way, and the life that will set us free.

Well now it’s time to wake up and beat our spoons into swords. You are being called to service. You have a part to play in God’s plan. But in order to do it, you must first learn to worship.