Posts with the tag “confidence”
Man of His Word
by Peggy Brumfield on March 24th, 2021
There was a time in our history, when a man or woman’s word was bond. Words were important and not thrown around without integrity and truth. If he or she said it, you could believe it. They stood by their word. If a person broke his or her word or promise, it would cause others to lose faith and trust in whatever that person said going forward. Character was important.Many contracts and bonds wer... Read More
The Greater Name
by Leonidas Batres Montoya on March 18th, 2021
Do you need an encounter with God today? Do you want to push away the troubles and demands of life, and take a break? Or do you just need a touch from Him today? Now is the time. Drop whatever you are doing, and let’s call upon the Lord to be present right where you are—in your car, in your room, as you are walking, wherever you are.Empty your thoughts and quiet your mind. It may take a moment, bu... Read More
Faith the Disrupter
by Peggy Brumfield on March 4th, 2021
Jesus had a long couple of days. His disciples had just come back from their mission excited to tell Him about it. But because so many people kept coming, they didn’t even have a chance to eat. Although Jesus tried to take them away where they could talk and rest, too many people recognized them. By the time Jesus and the disciples landed, there was already a large crowd. He had compassion on them... Read More
The Roundabout Way
by Peggy Brumfield on February 2nd, 2021
When we are ready to go somewhere, and especially if you use a GPS, you have a choice to go the most direct, fastest way or you can go the shortest or you can go round about. Most of us like the fastest way. We want to get where we want to go. Sometimes, however, it may be to our advantage to go the roundabout way, even if it does take longer. That requires patience.In our town, they have establis... Read More
Just Say Yes
by Peggy Brumfield on January 1st, 2021
Welcome to 2021! It’s a new year and we start on a new foot. I know we carried over some challenges like the virus and all that it has changed for us, but we are also walking into a new season. How we walk into it will set the tone for how we travel through it. So set your eyes on Jesus and let’s walk with expectant hope in our steps.How does that look? We walk with confidence and boldness, knowin... Read More
Your Kingdom Come!
by Peggy Brumfield on December 13th, 2020
We are entering the holiday season facing a pandemic out of control and political confusion, it’s easy to focus on our trials and lose sight of the One who can save us. Praise God, Jesus taught us how to pray. He taught us to approach the throne of God with these simple words, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” These words alone are a mighty prayer that can shake t... Read More
A New Year's PrayerJust Say YesReady for A BreakthroughI Shall Not WantAddictive LoveAgainAtmospheric PowerStay With MeFrom Mercy To LoveI Will Fear No EvilCome to JesusMy IntercessorLord of the LeftoversBring On The PraiseLet Me Be Like An AntBreathe On UsA Leap of FaithJust A SipThe God Who Sees MeThe Light At the End of the TunnelEmbrace Your Spiritual BlessingsFor Our BrokennessHallelujah!On Your FaceDon't Lose Your DreamsLiving This MomentOur Ever Present Help
Dove of PeaceThe Roundabout WayA Ten Dollar BlessingLiving in God's ZoneMountain, MoveThis Time, I'll Be StillQuiet Our Souls While You WorkFinding Favor, Finding HopeYour MoveBreaking Out For JesusWhat Our Hearts DesireThe Love of Yahweh!This Is How You LoveBreathe Your Breath of RevivalDo You Believe ItKeep It Moving!There's Beauty in My BrokennessThe Fire and The AltarGoing Fishing
The HarvestHis DelightFaith the DisrupterF.R.O.G.A Fresh Wind of The LordSeeing the InvisibleTake Your VitaminsReturn to the LordWaiting Here for YouSquishy ShoesIt's Time to Spring ForwardThe Greater NameLiving in God's ZoneHeart FixerThe Power of the SpiritMan of His WordPraise PartyBring On The RainGet Off This MountainLet Us Know