Posts with the tag “lost”
Living This Moment
by Peggy Brumfield on January 30th, 2021
What are you up to at this moment? What kind of day are you having? My hope is that you’ve had some space to pull away and take a deep breath. Busy moms and dads managing households, jobs, and helping the kids with virtual school. Searching people, looking for new jobs, new opportunities to make ends meet. Lonely people, hoping for a call or a word of encouragement. Anxious people, praying for uni... Read More
The Good Shepherd
by Peggy Brumfield on November 16th, 2020
Shepherding is one of the oldest occupations that began some 5,000 years ago. For the most part, shepherds’ duties were to keep their sheep intact, protect them from danger, and guide them from pasture to pasture. Many great people in the Bible were shepherds: Abraham, Jacob, Moses, King David, Amos the prophet, to name a few. The greatest Shepherd was and still is Jesus!Let’s face it. We humans h... Read More
A New Year's PrayerJust Say YesReady for A BreakthroughI Shall Not WantAddictive LoveAgainAtmospheric PowerStay With MeFrom Mercy To LoveI Will Fear No EvilCome to JesusMy IntercessorLord of the LeftoversBring On The PraiseLet Me Be Like An AntBreathe On UsA Leap of FaithJust A SipThe God Who Sees MeThe Light At the End of the TunnelEmbrace Your Spiritual BlessingsFor Our BrokennessHallelujah!On Your FaceDon't Lose Your DreamsLiving This MomentOur Ever Present Help
Dove of PeaceThe Roundabout WayA Ten Dollar BlessingLiving in God's ZoneMountain, MoveThis Time, I'll Be StillQuiet Our Souls While You WorkFinding Favor, Finding HopeYour MoveBreaking Out For JesusWhat Our Hearts DesireThe Love of Yahweh!This Is How You LoveBreathe Your Breath of RevivalDo You Believe ItKeep It Moving!There's Beauty in My BrokennessThe Fire and The AltarGoing Fishing
The HarvestHis DelightFaith the DisrupterF.R.O.G.A Fresh Wind of The LordSeeing the InvisibleTake Your VitaminsReturn to the LordWaiting Here for YouSquishy ShoesIt's Time to Spring ForwardThe Greater NameLiving in God's ZoneHeart FixerThe Power of the SpiritMan of His WordPraise PartyBring On The RainGet Off This MountainLet Us Know