Posts with the tag “forgiveness”
The Appointed Time
by Peggy Brumfield on April 2nd, 2021
We have appointed times in our lives for many life events. Those times are only known by God. He is the master of all time and His plan is according to His schedule. In Ecclesiastes we are told that there is a time for everything under the sun. For example, God had an appointed time for Jesus to fulfill HIs purpose by coming to earth. He has an appointed time for Him to return, and no one else kno... Read More
The Fire and The Altar
by Peggy Brumfield on February 20th, 2021
Throughout the Old and New Testament, you’ll find many references to fire and the altar. God was the Fire in the burning bush and the Fire that led the Israelites at night to the Promised Land. Fire from heaven consumed altars laden with offerings to the Lord for sin. Tongues of fire came down from heaven upon Jesus’ followers when the Holy Spirit descended after His resurrection.Noah built the fi... Read More
There's Beauty in My Brokenness
by Peggy Brumfield on February 19th, 2021
We’ve been in the midst of a pandemic for over a year now. Our finances have been affected, our jobs have been impacted and our ability to move about freely has nearly evaporated. We’ve all experienced what I call “COVID brain.” Whether we realize it or not, our minds have been scrambled by the lock downs and the new way of living. This season has reignited loneliness, anger, depression, disappoin... Read More
Just Say Yes
by Peggy Brumfield on January 1st, 2021
Welcome to 2021! It’s a new year and we start on a new foot. I know we carried over some challenges like the virus and all that it has changed for us, but we are also walking into a new season. How we walk into it will set the tone for how we travel through it. So set your eyes on Jesus and let’s walk with expectant hope in our steps.How does that look? We walk with confidence and boldness, knowin... Read More
A Friend Loves At All Times
by Leonidas Batres Montoya on December 23rd, 2020
Each year at this time, we turn into caring, kind and giving people. For whatever reason, Christmas causes us to be more forgiving and we look for opportunities to share what we have with others. We suddenly overlook things that caused dissension during the year to give each other a pass. As a result, we are closest to what God wants us to be at Christmas.As you read Edgar Guest’s poem, “At Christ... Read More
Strength In Humbleness
by Peggy Brumfield on November 25th, 2020
I don’t know your circumstances this Thanksgiving, and some of us may be facing issues we never dreamed of confronting. What you need to know is that there is strength in humbleness. The Bible speaks of humbleness as a righteous trait and its definition goes beyond just gratitude and a modest view of self. It’s humility grounded in the very nature of God. After all, doesn’t He watch over the poor ... Read More
A New Year's PrayerJust Say YesReady for A BreakthroughI Shall Not WantAddictive LoveAgainAtmospheric PowerStay With MeFrom Mercy To LoveI Will Fear No EvilCome to JesusMy IntercessorLord of the LeftoversBring On The PraiseLet Me Be Like An AntBreathe On UsA Leap of FaithJust A SipThe God Who Sees MeThe Light At the End of the TunnelEmbrace Your Spiritual BlessingsFor Our BrokennessHallelujah!On Your FaceDon't Lose Your DreamsLiving This MomentOur Ever Present Help
Dove of PeaceThe Roundabout WayA Ten Dollar BlessingLiving in God's ZoneMountain, MoveThis Time, I'll Be StillQuiet Our Souls While You WorkFinding Favor, Finding HopeYour MoveBreaking Out For JesusWhat Our Hearts DesireThe Love of Yahweh!This Is How You LoveBreathe Your Breath of RevivalDo You Believe ItKeep It Moving!There's Beauty in My BrokennessThe Fire and The AltarGoing Fishing
The HarvestHis DelightFaith the DisrupterF.R.O.G.A Fresh Wind of The LordSeeing the InvisibleTake Your VitaminsReturn to the LordWaiting Here for YouSquishy ShoesIt's Time to Spring ForwardThe Greater NameLiving in God's ZoneHeart FixerThe Power of the SpiritMan of His WordPraise PartyBring On The RainGet Off This MountainLet Us Know