Posts with the tag “prayer”
Find Me By The River
by Peggy Brumfield on May 1st, 2021
Years ago, we went to a festival in the park. There were artists, food vendors and music. As I strolled around, I came across some eye catching artwork depicting the Garden of Eden and Creation. Flowing through the garden was this peaceful, welcoming river. As I stared at the painting, I could imagine sitting peacefully there listening to the water flowing. “A river watering the garden flowed from... Read More
Finding My Hallelujah
by Peggy Brumfield on April 18th, 2021
“Hallelujah” is an exclamation of worship or a call to praise. It comes from a Hebrew phrase that means “Praise the Lord.” It’s a joyful expression of praise and thanksgiving to God. Honestly, a Hallelujah should be on our lips every day for all the Lord has done and is doing for us. But sometimes it’s hard to find your Hallelujah or even remember you had it.Have you ever gotten up in the morning ... Read More
Take Your Vitamins
by Peggy Brumfield on March 12th, 2021
We need to stay healthy, especially under stress. Over the past year, we’ve experienced just that as we’ve adjusted to the impact of COVID-19. Many of us take extra care to bolster our immune systems to improve our physical health. Taking vitamins like B, C, D, and zinc each day help. Our mental and spiritual health, however, are important too.Maintaining a healthy attitude and mental state increa... Read More
The Fire and The Altar
by Peggy Brumfield on February 20th, 2021
Throughout the Old and New Testament, you’ll find many references to fire and the altar. God was the Fire in the burning bush and the Fire that led the Israelites at night to the Promised Land. Fire from heaven consumed altars laden with offerings to the Lord for sin. Tongues of fire came down from heaven upon Jesus’ followers when the Holy Spirit descended after His resurrection.Noah built the fi... Read More
Quiet Our Souls While You Work
by Peggy Brumfield on February 7th, 2021
With all we are facing in our homes, in our nation and in the world right now, it can be overwhelming. We are tired of the pandemic and all the other unrest and chaos around us. What we could depend on in the past is now just shaky ground. But praise God, we know the all powerful King who is not moved and cannot be shaken. All we need to do is quiet our souls, have faith and trust in Him, and watc... Read More
On Your Face
by Peggy Brumfield on January 26th, 2021
There’s a saying, “Desperate times require desperate measures.” It originated hundreds of years ago from an ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates. Basically, it means that actions you might not have considered in the past become the best choices under adverse circumstances. We are in just such times, and if ever we needed to take desperate measures, it’s now.We’ve been in desperate times for a year... Read More
Just A Sip
by Peggy Brumfield on January 19th, 2021
Sometimes it’s the small things that mean so much. There’s a saying, “Small things come in big packages.” Well, think of your day as a big package. What small things bring you joy in your day? For me, it’s that first sip of coffee. I look forward to it as it flows over my taste buds and I get to savor the flavor. You know you can meet the day because of that first cup of coffee (or tea). All it to... Read More
Come to Jesus
by Leonidas Batres Montoya on January 11th, 2021
Last week, we saw COViD numbers soar as the pandemic roared across our country. No matter where you live, it's part of life now, and it still impacts our finances, our ability to see one another, to go to church or to pay our rent or mortgage. We witnessed chaos and unrest not just in the world, but right here in our nation. The noise from the outside is still loud.But in spite of all of that, we ... Read More
Ready for A Breakthrough
by Peggy Brumfield on January 2nd, 2021
It’s time to focus and block out all the negative voices that tell us what we can’t do. This is the year of “can do.” We’ve been whipsawed, spun around and put on a never ending roller coaster, but it’s time to shake it all off. We are no longer at the whim of every theory, opinion, or untruth. Our eyes are laser focused on Jesus, the lifter of our heads.Dig deep, my friends, and dust off your con... Read More
Just Say Yes
by Peggy Brumfield on January 1st, 2021
Welcome to 2021! It’s a new year and we start on a new foot. I know we carried over some challenges like the virus and all that it has changed for us, but we are also walking into a new season. How we walk into it will set the tone for how we travel through it. So set your eyes on Jesus and let’s walk with expectant hope in our steps.How does that look? We walk with confidence and boldness, knowin... Read More
A New Year's Prayer
by Peggy Brumfield on January 1st, 2021
Celebrations for the New Year of 2021 will be so different. The big in-person party in Times Square won’t happen the same. We won’t have big gatherings or parties with good food and celebratory glee. The pandemic stopped that. But, we have no reason to throw the celebrations out the window! Just because it’s different doesn’t mean the New Year has to be put in a closet.We have much to be thankful ... Read More
Lessons Learned
by Peggy Brumfield on December 30th, 2020
About now, you may be thinking of what your New Year’s resolutions should be. With 2020 almost finished, this is the time we think forward and hope for a better future. It’s time to tuck away this year and get optimism charged up for 2021.I’m going to challenge you to do something a little different this year. We are not going into the new year in a “normal” way since we are still in the midst of ... Read More
A Bold, Audacious Prayer
by Peggy Brumfield on December 20th, 2020
We need bold and passionate prayer, right now. We can come to the Father with any request. He never limits how many times we come or why we come. He is waiting for us to have enough faith and audacity to ask for miracles and healings that can turn this world upside down! Don’t be timid or afraid. He loves when you trust Him no matter the circumstances and you really believe He can do it. Because H... Read More
Defeating Deception
by Peggy Brumfield on November 15th, 2020
We know that the devil comes to steal, kill and deceive. We also know that all battles are fought in the spiritual realm with spiritual weapons. Today, the enemy is using the power of deception to imprison minds and block the Gospel of Jesus from being heard. It is time for us, His believers to stand strong and press in with Jesus as our guide and the lifter of our heads. Join us this week as we p... Read More
A New Year's PrayerJust Say YesReady for A BreakthroughI Shall Not WantAddictive LoveAgainAtmospheric PowerStay With MeFrom Mercy To LoveI Will Fear No EvilCome to JesusMy IntercessorLord of the LeftoversBring On The PraiseLet Me Be Like An AntBreathe On UsA Leap of FaithJust A SipThe God Who Sees MeThe Light At the End of the TunnelEmbrace Your Spiritual BlessingsFor Our BrokennessHallelujah!On Your FaceDon't Lose Your DreamsLiving This MomentOur Ever Present Help
Dove of PeaceThe Roundabout WayA Ten Dollar BlessingLiving in God's ZoneMountain, MoveThis Time, I'll Be StillQuiet Our Souls While You WorkFinding Favor, Finding HopeYour MoveBreaking Out For JesusWhat Our Hearts DesireThe Love of Yahweh!This Is How You LoveBreathe Your Breath of RevivalDo You Believe ItKeep It Moving!There's Beauty in My BrokennessThe Fire and The AltarGoing Fishing
The HarvestHis DelightFaith the DisrupterF.R.O.G.A Fresh Wind of The LordSeeing the InvisibleTake Your VitaminsReturn to the LordWaiting Here for YouSquishy ShoesIt's Time to Spring ForwardThe Greater NameLiving in God's ZoneHeart FixerThe Power of the SpiritMan of His WordPraise PartyBring On The RainGet Off This MountainLet Us Know